Portrait of a Happy Woman Outdoors
Portrait of a Happy Woman Outdoors
Portrait of a Happy Woman Outdoors
Portrait of a Happy Woman Outdoors
Portrait of a Happy Woman Outdoors

Bringing IDENTITY first.

We believe in augmenting ​human experience, based on ​identity and behaviour.

Building the foundation for future products and services. ​By leveraging human identity and behavior, we can ​develop relevant and assertive products and services ​while minimizing inefficiencies. This approach aims to ​create a positive impact on both nature and humanity.

What We Do?

We are dedicated to creating the world's best user ​experience by empowering people to effortlessly find ​and interact with products and services. Our ​foundational model, which understands individual ​preferences and identities, delivers precise matches and ​automates daily needs, enhancing convenience and ​satisfaction.

To achieve this, we are building platforms that ​understand, integrate, manage, and secure behavioral ​and identity data. These platforms serve as the ​foundation for applications that deliver fully interactive, ​human-driven, machine-assisted products and services.

Our Products & Developmens

Stylish Woman with Natural Afro Hair
Stylish Woman with Natural Afro Hair

Weloop - a personal shopper, built ​and personalized by user identity.

Research & Development

Woman Wearing Denim
Woman Wearing Denim

Connecting physical products to​ online services and AI.​

Studio portrait of woman in green clothing
Studio portrait of woman in green clothing

Integrating weloop to marketplaces​ and online stores (api.)​

Why Fashion First?

Fashion exemplifies how AI and an understanding of ​human identity can address inefficiencies. Despite being ​the most searched category worldwide, the industry's ​inability to accurately gauge consumer preferences often ​leads to overstock production. This not only creates ​unnecessary environmental impacts but also highlights ​the urgent need for more precise demand forecasting.

Why Identity?

New generations crave personalized experiences, ​recognizing that traditional tools like search engines, ​marketplaces, and websites prioritize advertisers and ​companies over individual identity. They seek predictive ​capabilities and platforms that deliver exceptional ​experiences. That's what we are building. To achieve ​this, we must deeply understand their identity and ​behavior.

Where we’re going

Imagine finding the perfect dress that fits flawlessly to ​your body type and for your next party, selecting the ​ideal table for your new home, or choosing the best ​ingredients for a dinner party that everyone will enjoy. ​Consider how incredible every interaction could be if AI ​could predict and precisely meet your real needs. This is ​what we are building, step by step—creating tailored ​experiences that enhance your everyday life.

How Can You Join?

We are currently developing our first products, and this ​is the perfect moment to find partners who believe in ​and understand our vision. If you are an investor, a ​company, a developer, or a potential user, we invite you ​to contact us and share your ideas. Let's work together ​to shape the future!

Contact Us